Easy Heath Bar Cake



Level: Easy

Serves: 12



Easy and delicious Heath Bar Cake: devil’s food cake infused with caramel and topped with Cool Whip and Heath Bar crumble.


  • 1 box (16 1/2 Oz. Size) Devil’s Food Cake Mix
  • Additional Required Ingredients Specified On The Box Mix (typically Water, Eggs And/or Oil)
  • 15 ounces, weight Canned Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • ½ bottles (20 Oz. Size) Caramel Ice Cream Topping
  • 1 container (8 Oz. Size) Cool Whip
  • 3 bars (1.4 Oz. Size) Heath Bars


Make the devil’s food cake according to the directions on the box. Once baked, let it cool slightly (15 minutes or so). Use a fork to poke holes in the cake. Pour the sweetened condensed milk and caramel sauce over top of the cake. Refrigerate overnight (you can refrigerate less, but it doesn’t taste as good).

Spread Cool Whip on top of the chilled cake. Smash the Heath Bars (take out your aggression out on them with a rolling pin while they are in a zip-lock bag). Sprinkle on top. That’s it, cake time!

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