Here is a simple recipe for making your own corn syrup used in many candy and baking recipes. This makes a quart and also has a 3 month shelf life. Better than store bought and so easy!
- 5-½ cups Sugar
- 1 pinch Salt
- 2 cups Water
- 1 teaspoon Cream Of Tartar
You will also need a heavy duty saucepan (4 to 5 quart size), a candy thermometer, a metal spoon, a pastry brush and clean mason jar(s) to store the quart of syrup.
Place all ingredients in a heavy duty non-stick saucepan over medium heat. Clip the candy thermometer to the side. Stir sugar until just moistened with a clean metal spoon. Do not stir again once the sugar is moistened. Let this come to a boil.
Brush down the sides of the pan when it comes boil (use a pastry brush dipped in water to remove any crystals that form on the sides). It will ruin the corn syrup when poured into the jars, if any sugar crystals remain. Do not stir this or it will become a cloudy mess.
Continue to boil until the candy thermometer reaches 235 to 240 F then remove the pan from the heat and let it sit for 2 hours to cool. Do not touch the mixture during the cooling period. You must cool this completely.
Ladle into mason jars. You can store in you cupboard up to 3 months. If the syrup is too thick, microwave the jar without the cover on for around 25 seconds.
Makes 1 quart.