Strawberry Cars



Level: Easy

Serves: 1



Vroom! Easy and fun strawberry race cars.


  • 1 whole Fresh Strawberry, Washed
  • 1 piece Watermelon Rind
  • 1 Tablespoon Chocolate Chips
  • 1 whole Grape


Cut off the sides of the strawberry so it lies flat on its side with a flat top. Cut the front down if you want a more sloped car, depending on the shape of your strawberry. Save the pieces, though, and cut one so it becomes the back seat of the race car.

Use a large pastry tip (I used a Wilton 1M) to cut out watermelon rind wheels. Use a knife to cut the front wheel a bit smaller than the back. Alternately, just cut the rind with a knife to form the wheels. Place them beside the strawberry in standard wheel positions.

Melt the chocolate in a small bowl on half-power in the microwave (or use a double boiler). Heat for just a few seconds at a time and continue until melted. Dip half the grape into the chocolate to resemble hair. Place the grape on top of the race car in the driver position.

Play, eat and enjoy!

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