Strawberry Nutella French Toast Casserole studded with cream cheese!
- 7 slices (1/2 Inch Thick) Stale Brioche
- ¾ jars (13 Oz. Size) Nutella
- 1 cup Strawberries, Sliced
- 8 ounces, weight Cold Cream Cheese, Cubed
- 4 whole Eggs
- 1 cup Half-and-half
- ½ cups Milk (I Used Skim)
- 2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
- ¼ teaspoons Ground Cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoons Salt
Start by making brioche Nutella sandwiches. Take brioche slices and spread gobs of Nutella on one side. Top with another slice of brioche. (If you have an odd number of slices, cut the remaining slice in half to make a smaller Nutella sandwich.) Cut sandwiches into 1-inch cubes.
Take half the cubes and layer on the bottom of a greased nonstick 8 x 8 inch pan. Top this layer with strawberries and cubed cream cheese. Layer on remaining Nutella brioche cubes. Gently pat casserole down to make sure it’s even. Set aside while you make the milk/egg mixture.
Combine eggs, half-and-half, milk, brown sugar, vanilla, ground cinnamon, and a touch of salt in a measuring cup. Whisk until throughly combined. Evenly pour mixture over casserole. Cover pan with tin foil and set in fridge overnight.
The next morning, remove casserole from fridge while you preheat oven to 350ºF. Bake, uncovered, for 20 minutes. The top layer should be nice and golden brown but casserole won’t be quite hot enough yet. Cover casserole with tin foil and bake for another 20 minutes or until hot!
Cut and serve with a generous sprinkling of powdered sugar, an extra drizzle of Nutella, maple syrup, or just eat it plain. The choice is yours!