Sugar-Free Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream with Lavender



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



Easy sugar-free blueberry cheesecake ice cream is a delicious dessert made from just 5 ingredients! This recipe can be used without an ice cream maker.


  • 3 cups Blueberries
  • ⅓ cups Honey
  • 2 teaspoons Ground Lavender
  • ½ ounces, weight Mascarpone Cheese
  • 1 cup Heavy Cream


Blend blueberries, honey, lavender and mascarpone cheese in a food processor. Whip the cream and stir it gently into the blueberry mascarpone mixture. Transfer into a bowl of your ice cream maker and start churning (make sure you freeze the bowl of your ice cream maker for at least 8 hours in advance or according to manufacturer’s instructions).

After 30 minutes of churning, check your ice cream every couple of minutes to see if it’s ready. It should be thick but not firm. Transfer the ice cream into a container and freeze for about 2 hours. If you are not using an ice cream maker, put your ice cream in the freezer and pulse it in the food processor every 20–30 minutes for 3–4 hours. Enjoy!

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