Mini Coconut Almond Bars



Level: Easy

Serves: 20



These little bars will satisfy your candy craving fast! Easy to make. Especially good in the summertime since they are kept in the refrigerator. Can be frozen.


  • ½ cups Butter, Melted
  • 2 cups Powdered Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 3 cups Coconut
  • 40  To 48 Whole Almonds
  • ½ cups Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 1 teaspoon Butter


Line a baking sheet with parchment or waxed paper.

In a medium bowl, whisk ½ cup melted butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla. Stir in coconut.

Drop 1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut mixture on to prepared baking sheet and form into a small, oblong bar, a little over 2 inches long and about 1 inch wide. Repeat with remaining coconut mixture. You should end up with 20 to 24 bars.

For the chocolate drizzle, in a small bowl, melt the dark chocolate chips and butter in the microwave on medium power, stirring frequently. Don’t overheat.

Pour melted chocolate in to a sandwich size zipper bag. Make sure the bag is completely closed and snip off a little bit of one corner of the bag.

Squeeze a small bit of chocolate on the top of each coconut bar and immediately place 2 almonds, end to end, on top of the chocolate. Repeat with the remaining coconut bars and almonds. There will be a little chocolate left over.

Drizzle remaining chocolate over the top of each coconut almond bar. Refrigerate until set, 30 minutes. Store in refrigerator. May be frozen in a single layer in an airtight container after the initial 30-minute refrigeration time.

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