Mini Grasshopper Pies



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



These Mini Grasshopper Pies are a great and healthy sweet treat to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. They’re delicious, cool, and creamy plus vegan and nondairy!


  • 1-½ cup Whole Almonds
  • ¼ cups Dark Cocoa Powder
  • ½ cups Pitted Dates
  • ⅛ teaspoons Fine Sea Salt
  • ¼ cups Pure Maple Syrup
  • ½ cups Raw Cashews
  • ¼ cups Pure Maple Syrup
  • 1 container (6 Oz. Size) Coconut Dream Plain Non-dairy Yogurt
  • ¼ cups Coconut Oil, Melted And Cooled
  • ½ cups Packed Fresh Mint Leaves
  • 2 teaspoons Matcha Powder
  • 1 can (about 13 Oz. Size) Coconut Cream, Chilled At Least 2 Hours
  • 2 teaspoons Pure Maple Syrup
  • ¼ teaspoons Peppermint Extract
  • Chocolate Shavings For Garnish
  • Fresh Mint For Garnish


Start by pouring boiling hot water over the raw cashews (for the filling) and letting set for 1 hour to soften.

To make the crust, add almonds, cocoa powder, dates, and sea salt into the bowl of a food processor and process until almonds are finely ground. Add pure maple syrup and process again until mixture clumps together.

Divide mixture among several 4-ounce jars or whatever size mason jars you have. Try to pack the crust gently so it’s easier to eat later once it’s hardened a bit.

To make the filling, add drained soaked cashews into a kitchen blender, along with pure maple syrup, non-dairy yogurt, and melted coconut oil. Blend for 2–3 minutes until very smooth, scraping down the sides of the blender as needed.

Add fresh mint leaves and matcha powder to the blender and blend again until mint is broken down into very tiny pieces. Place a fine mesh strainer over a large mixing bowl and pour in the filling from the blender. Use a silicon spatula or spoon to press the mixture through the strainer spatula, removing any pieces of mint leaves.

Pour the filling into the jars over the crust. Place into the refrigerator and chill the jars until filling is firm and set, about 1 hour.

To make the whipped peppermint topping, remove hardened coconut cream from a refrigerated can of full fat coconut milk, scraping the top creamy part into a large bowl. Add pure maple syrup and peppermint extract and whip using a hand blender or stand mixer until the mixture holds soft peaks.

Once the mint filling for the grasshopper pies is firm, remove from the refrigerator. Top each with a dollop of the peppermint whipped cream and some fresh chocolate shavings and fresh mint.

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