$850 Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



These $850 Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups are easy, healthy, clean, gluten-free, and vegan. And so good!


  • 16 ounces, weight Dark Chocolate (60-70% Cacao), Chopped
  • 3 Tablespoons Coconut Oil, Divided
  • ½ cups Organic, Natural Peanut Butter


To melt the chocolate, use either a double boiler or a large bowl placed over, but not touching, a pot of boiling water. Add the chocolate and 2 tablespoons of the coconut oil and allow both to melt completely, while stirring occasionally. Once everything is smooth, turn off heat, but leave the bowl on the pot to keep warm.

In a small bowl, combine peanut butter with remaining 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

Line a plate, muffin tin (my preferred method), or small cutting board with cupcake liners. You could make these using mini or regular cupcake molds, depending on what size you’d like them to turn out. I recommend doubling up the liners to give them a bit more structure.

Pour enough of the melted chocolate mixture to cover the bottom of each liner. Then place them in the freezer for about 5 minutes to set.

Once set, add a small scoop of the peanut butter mixture into the center of the cup and gently flatten with your thumb or the back of a spoon. Pour enough melted chocolate over the peanut butter to cover the top, about 1 to 2 tablespoons.

Place back into the freezer for about 25–30 minutes to completely set.

If you’re not going to eat these right away, make sure to remove the peanut butter cups from the freezer about 1/2 hour before serving and place them into the fridge to thaw some. Otherwise, they’ll be difficult to bite through.

Note: If you want to keep this recipe clean, make sure to use a natural, organic peanut butter that just contains peanuts and doesn’t contain corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oils, or other processed ingredients.

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