Lemon, Blueberry and White Chocolate Kladdkaka



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



Kladdkaka is one of Sweden’s favourite desserts. This lemon version is made with white chocolate and blueberries and has an insanely good molten middle!


  • 35 grams White Chocolate
  • 1 gram Butter
  • 2 whole Eggs
  • 130 grams Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
  • 110 grams Plain Or All Purpose Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Sugar
  • ⅓ cups Blueberries, Or As Needed
  • Icing Sugar, For Dusting


Melt chocolate and then set aside. In a separate bowl, melt butter. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 175ºC (about 350ºF). Grease and flour a small 18cm (6 1/2 inch) springform.

In a third bowl, beat eggs and sugar together. Add lemon juice, followed by the melted butter and chocolate.

Sift flour together with vanilla sugar and then add to the wet ingredients. Mix into a fairly smooth batter and then pour into prepared springform pan. Sprinkle blueberries over the top.

Bake for around 18–25 minutes, depending on how well-cooked you would like it. For a fairly molten middle, the sides should be firm to the touch but the centre still a little jiggly when you gently shake the pan.

Remove from the oven and allow cake to cool for a while before removing the outside part of the springform. Leave it on the base of the pan and don’t attempt to transfer it to another dish, unless you have baked the cake right through and it is firm. Eat slightly warm or wait until the cake has cooled completely. Sprinkle with a little icing sugar before serving. Enjoy!

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