Easy Vanilla Bean Ice Cream



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



Easy, delicious, velvety and smooth homemade vanilla bean ice cream recipe made with only 5 ingredients.


  • ⅓ cups Milk (at Least 6% Fat)
  • 1  Vanilla Bean
  • 4  Egg Yolks
  • ½ cups Brown Sugar
  • 1-¾ cup Heavy Cream
  • Strawberry Sauce, To Serve (optional, See Blog Post)


In a saucepan or small pot, boil the milk and let it cool. Cut the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape the seeds with a knife or a teaspoon. Stir the seeds, vanilla bean, egg yolks and sugar into the cooled milk. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes or until thickened, stirring occasionally and let cool. Remove the vanilla bean from the mixture.

Whip the cream and stir it gently into the vanilla mixture.Transfer into a bowl of your ice cream maker and start the churning (make sure you froze the bowl of your ice cream maker for at least 8 hours in advance or according to the instructions). After 30 minutes of churning, check your ice cream every couple of minutes to see weather it’s ready. It should be thick but not firm.

Transfer the ice cream into a container and freeze for about 2 hours. Serve with strawberry sauce (optional). Enjoy!

Makes a little under 1 quart.

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