Summery Raspberry Sorbet



Level: Easy

Serves: 12



A light but cooling summer dessert that is gluten- and lactose-free. Sweet but tart at the same time, it’s an ideal summer dessert to help cool you down.


  • 2 pounds, ⅞ ounces, weight Raspberries
  • ½ pounds, ½ ounces, weight Icing Sugar
  • 2-⅛ ounces, weight Honey
  • 1 pinch Salt


Place raspberries into a blender and blitz into a pulp. Using a fine sieve, pass the pulp to remove the seeds so you end up with a smooth puree. To this puree, add the remaining ingredients and combine together with a whisk.

Add mix to an ice cream maker and churn for approximately 30 minutes, until it reaches a thicker consistency similar to ice cream. Of course you are going to eat some immediately, but take whatever you may have left and put into a Tupperware container to store in the freezer.

If you do not have an ice cream maker, simply put the mixture in a Tupperware box and place in the freezer, whisking it every 15 minutes so it freezes evenly. Keep whisking until it has a thick consistency. It will not be quite as smooth as using a churner and will be a slightly longer process, but it’s not too taxing and is definitely worth the effort.

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