Fall Asian Pear Pizza with Prosciutto



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



Fall Asian Pear Pizza with Prosciutto.


  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • 1 whole Asian Pear, Thinly Sliced
  • ½ teaspoons Allspice
  • ½ teaspoons Ground Ginger
  • ½ teaspoons Nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1 pound Pizza Dough
  • 2 cloves Minced Garlic
  • Salt And Pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 6 ounces, weight Grated Fontina Cheese
  • 4 slices Prosciutto, Torn
  • 2 sprigs Fresh Oregano
  • 2 cups Fresh Arugula


Preheat oven to 500ºF and a skillet to medium-high heat. Add butter, Asian pear slices, allspice, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon to the skillet. Stir pear into the butter and spices and cook for 5–7 minutes until browned and soft. Turn heat off and set aside.

Prepare a large baking sheet with parchment paper, flour, or cooking spray. Stretch pizza dough into a rough rectangle, as thin as you can make it. Scatter the garlic over the pizza crust and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle with the olive oil.

Layer half the cheese, the Asian pears (you may have some leftover depending on the size of your pizza), torn prosciutto, a few oregano leaves, and the remaining cheese on the pizza. Bake for 10–15 minutes until cheese is bubbly and the crust is browned. Remove from the oven and top with the arugula and more fresh oregano.

Let the pizza rest for 5 minutes, then slice and serve immediately. Enjoy!

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