Mango-Orange-Coconut-Ginger Shmorbet!



Level: Easy

Serves: 3



A delicious frozen mango and coconut concoction with hints of orange and ginger to cool you down this summer.


  • 1  Frozen Mango (Should Be Very Ripe And Frozen For At Least 4 Hours)
  • 10 tablespoons, 7 pinches Coconut Cream Or Milk
  • 1 whole Juicy Orange
  • 1 pinch Ground Ginger


Note: If you froze your mango for several days, you’ll need to let it sit for 15-20 minutes because otherwise it’ll be like a rock, and considering you’ll need a pretty sharp knife, it would be hazardous to cut! Here is the mango cutting method that I find easy: quarter it lengthwise, peel back the skin, slice it twice more lengthwise and widthwise on the rounded part, and then shave off mango starting at the rounded part and heading toward to seed. Since it’s frozen, it is actually easier to cut than a normal mango—but your fingers freeze!

Once cut, place mango in blender or blender cup. Add coconut milk. Blend! Mixture should look almost like ice cream after a few minutes. Squeeze in orange juice and add ginger. Blend again until perfection is reached.

The best way to eat this is somewhere between a smoothie-like consistency and sorbet, hence the name Shmorbet. After blended, pop it back into the freezer for about 45 minutes. Don’t leave it in much more than 1 hour as it starts to really solidify and loses some of its shmorbetness. When you are ready, take it out, spoon it up and enjoy! It makes a huge amount for 1, a good amount for 2, and an okay amount for 3. I would upgrade to 1 1/2 or 2 mangoes if you want to serve 4 or more. Another idea is to serve it in little side dishes when you eat spicy Thai or Indian food—it’s just the perfect thing to cool you off!

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