Super Easy Watermelon Smoothie



Level: Easy

Serves: 2



This healthy watermelon smoothie recipe is ready in just 2 minutes, and you only need 3 ingredients!

This easy watermelon smoothie is not only delicious, vegan and gluten-free, but kids love it, and it’s a perfect breakfast or healthy snack to refresh the whole family on summer days.


  • 2-½ cups Fresh Or Frozen Watermelon, Cubed
  • ¼ cups Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
  • 1 cup Ice Cubes (no Needed If You Use Frozen Watermelon Chunks)
  • 2 leaves Fresh Mint (optional)


Cut fresh watermelon in cubes or use frozen watermelon chunks (don’t remove pulp or seeds). Add the watermelon cubes in a blender along with lime juice, ice cubes and mint leaves.

Blend it all together until smooth and serve immediately.