Banana Lassi (Indian Yogurt Drink)



Level: Easy

Serves: 2



A Lassi is a very popular yogurt-based drink that originates in the Punjab regions of India and Pakistan. They somewhat resemble a milkshake or smoothie and are made the same way, by blending the ingredients. There are savory or salted Lassi, and sweet Lassi made with fruits.


  • 2 whole Large Bananas, Peeled And Sliced
  • 1 cup Plain White Yogurt
  • 1 pinch Pinch Ground Cardamom
  • Honey, To Taste (optional)
  • Cold Water (optional, See Note)
  • Ice Cubes (optional)


Note: You can add some cold water to thin out the lassi if you like and that’s if you are using full fat yogurt. But I suggest if you are using fat free or thinner yogurt that you skip the water or the lassi will be too watery.

Peel and roughly slice the banana then place in a blender. Next add the yogurt, cardamom and the honey if using. Blend until the banana is completely broken down and ingredients are well blended. At this time you can check the consistency of the lassi and see if you would like to add water to thin it out, then blend again for a minute.

Serve straight away with a few ice cubes.

Another way I’ve experimented with this (on a really hot summer day) is by adding the ice cubes at the beginning of the blending so they break down and blend well with the other ingredients. This makes a very cold and refreshing lassi.

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