

Level: Easy

Serves: 6



This delicious French pancake is perfect for breakfast or made savory for dinner!


  • 2-½ cups Milk
  • 3 whole Eggs
  • 1 Tablespoon Granulated Sugar (I Used Vanilla Sugar)
  • ½ teaspoons Salt
  • 2 Tablespoons Melted Butter
  • ½ teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1-¼ cup Flour
  • Additional Butter Or Cooking Spray, For Cooking The Crepes
  • Optional Crepe Fillings: Jam, Fresh Fruit, Butter, Or Savory Items Like Broccoli And Cheese


Note: For how-to step-by-step photos, see the related blog post.

Heat the milk in the microwave until it is just warm, about 45 to 65 seconds in the microwave. Whisk all of the ingredients together in a bowl until the mixture is well combined. It is going to be thin and runny. The milk being slightly heated will give you an end product with a creamy and fluffier texture.

On medium heat, heat your frying pan or crêpe pan and melt in some butter (you can use a nonstick cooking spray like Pam if you like but the traditional French way is with butter). Pour in one ladleful of batter and turn and twist the pan until it is coated in a thin layer of batter. Depending on your ladle size, you may need to add a little extra batter.

The thing to remember is that crêpes are meant to be thin. If it is too thick, it will not cook properly. So if it looks too thin then it probably isn’t. It will start to almost look rubbery.

Loosen the edges and check the crêpe. When it starts to brown and the edges shrink up a bit, it is time to flip! This usually takes about 3 to 4 minutes but I suggest you check it because depending on your pan and your oven it could be slightly more or slightly less.

Flip the crêpe. Then move the crêpe around so it has no wrinkles and let the other side cook. About 2 minutes should do it, but again it never hurts to check it.

Now the fun part! Making your crêpe filling station. Crêpes are very versatile and go well with a number of things like jam, fresh fruit and even just plain with butter and powdered sugar! You can also make savory crêpes and eliminate the sugar in the batter and fill them with broccoli and cheese or asparagus and tomato. The possibilities are only limited to what you can imagine!

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