Spicy Pearl Millet Porridge



Level: Intermediate

Serves: 2



Spicy millet porridge, also known as Hausa koko in Ghana, is made using the nutrient-rich millet called pearl millet. Learn more about the 2-day process of preparing the millet before cooking it.


  • 300 grams Pearl Millet
  • ¼ teaspoons Black Peppercorns
  • ½ teaspoons Cloves
  • 2 Tablespoons Ginger
  • 3  Dried Chillies


Soak pearl millet in water overnight. This will soften the millet and make blending it easier. Remove any floating particles, as this is not actual millet.

After 24 hours, the pearl millet will be slightly swollen and the water would be slightly cloudy. Drain the water with a sieve and wash the millet again a couple of times with fresh water.

Blend pearl millet with black peppercorns, cloves, ginger, dried red chillies and 500ml of water. Once smooth, pour it through a sieve and mix to ensure that all the chaff passes through. Any excess chaff can be blended again with another 500ml of water.

Pour strained liquid through a strainer bag or filter paper to ensure the porridge is smooth. Place a tea towel over the bowl and let it sit overnight

The next day, the millet should be settled at the bottom with the water on the top. Drain excess water, as we only need the millet at the bottom. Add 50ml of water to the millet and mix until even in consistency.

Boil 500ml of water and remove from the stove once it has boiled. Add the millet mixture to it. Whisk the porridge for roughly 2 minutes or until slightly thick.

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