Chocolate Lava Cake for Your Valentine



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



Treat your Valentine with this gooey, super delicious molten chocolate lava cake.


  • 110 grams Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 110 grams Butter, Plus Additional To Grease Ramekins
  • 2 whole Eggs
  • 2 whole Egg Yolks
  • ¼ cups Caster Sugar
  • 10 grams Cocoa Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract


Preheat oven to 230ºC (450ºF). Grease ramekins or muffin tray moulds with butter. Cut some greaseproof paper into squares big enough to fit in moulds. Scrunch paper squares, then open them up again; from there they should fit snugly into your moulds. Once the paper squares are in the moulds, give them a quick spray with cooking spray to ensure lava cakes don’t stick.

Put chocolate chips and butter in a large bowl, then heat in microwave for about 15–20 seconds at a time, stirring on each occasion. Do this until chocolate melts (don’t just blast it in the microwave because if chocolate gets too hot, it won’t melt).

Use an electric beater to beat eggs, egg yolks and caster sugar in a large bowl. Beat for a good 6–7 minutes until mixture goes light, foamy and triples in size. Add chocolate and butter mixture in 3 to 4 additions, stirring through on each occasion. Once batter has been mixed well, add cocoa powder and vanilla, then stir through one last time.

Ladle batter into moulds and fill about 3/4 full. If you make any mess around the edges of the moulds, quickly clean it up with kitchen paper. If you are using ramekins, put them on a baking tray first. Otherwise, get cakes in the oven and cook for 8–9 minutes.

Once they are done, carefully flip out of the ramekins onto a plate then peel the paper away. If you cooked cakes in muffin moulds, grab the paper to gently lift the cakes up, place upside down on the plate, then again, peel the paper away.

You can put a scoop of ice cream on top if you wish, then serve straight away while hot.

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