Black Cherry & Basil Ricotta Toast



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



Take advantage of cherry season with basil-marinated cherries on top of vanilla ricotta toast.


  • 1 pound Black Cherries
  • ⅛ cups Sugar
  • 1 cup Basil
  • ½ teaspoons Vanilla
  • ½ cups Ricotta Cheese
  • 8 slices Whole Grain Baguette


Cut cherries in half, removing seed, and place in large jar or medium bowl. Add sugar and basil, tossing to coat. Cover and let marinate in refrigerator at least overnight. Sugar will allow cherries to release juice.

In food processor or small bowl, stir/whip together vanilla and ricotta cheese.

Toast bread, if desired, and smear ricotta on toast. Top with marinated cherries and sprinkle of basil.

Optional, but recommended: Reduce cherry sauce to a syrup consistency by placing juice in a small saucepan over low heat for 5–7 minutes. When juice thickens, drizzle over toast and enjoy!

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