Brazilian Iced Mocha Cola



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



Brazilian iced coffee has the spirit of a root-beer float. Rich chocolate milk and fizzy cola sweetens the drink, while the coffee gives it a nice kick!

Kids will love the novelty of plain old chocolate milk with cola, without the coffee.

Feel free to top with vanilla ice cream instead of whipped cream. Mmm …


  • 1 cup Double Strength Coffee
  • 1 can Cola, 12 Oz
  • 3 cups Chocolate Milk
  • 2 cups Whipped Cream Or Ice Cream


1. Brew coffee twice as strong as package recommendations. I used instant because I haven’t been drinking coffee lately, but you can, and should, use the best quality you have.

2. Chill coffee. I placed mine in the freezer for 15 minutes and that took the edge off.

3. Combine coffee, cola, and chocolate milk.

4. Pour over ice and top with some whipped cream or ice cream. Serve immediately.

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