Cappuccino Punch



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



Is it a punch? Is it a milkshake? No one really knows, or cares, either. Perfect for wedding showers, brunches, or when you’re bored at home during the summer!

Note: This recipe would not be a good time to skimp of the quality of the ingredients. Dream big! Get that Breyer’s ice cream!


  • ¼ cups Instant Coffee Granules
  • ½ cups Sugar
  • 1 cup Boiling Water
  • 2 quarts Milk (and For The Love Of Pete, Don’t Do Skim)
  • 1 quart Vanilla Ice Cream, Softened
  • 1 quart Chocolate Ice Cream, Softened


In a small bowl, combine the coffee granules and the sugar. Stir in the boiling water until the coffee mixture is dissolved. Then cover and refrigerate until chilled. No, seriously. You have to let it cool down. I know it’s hard, trust me, but it’ll be worth it.

Just before it’s go-time, pour the COOLED coffee mixture into a 1-quart punch bowl and stir in the milk. Then, add scoops of your ice cream and stir until melted.

Serve to family, friends, or yourself on the back porch while reading a good book. Be prepared to be bombarded with pleas for the recipe!

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