Classic Chocolate Pudding



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



Eat this slowly and deliberately, savoring each chocolaty spoonful.


  • ½ cups Sugar
  • ⅓ cups Plus 1 Tablespoon Unsweetened Cocoa
  • ⅛ teaspoons Salt
  • ⅓ cups Warm Water
  • 1 ounce, weight Semisweet Chocolate, Chopped
  • 2 cups Half-and-Half, Divided
  • 3 Tablespoons Cornstarch
  • 1-½ teaspoon Vanilla


If you are molding the pudding, have four well-greased 5-ounce ramekins prepared. If you are not molding the pudding, you will need a 3 cup bowl.

Mix sugar, cocoa and salt in a saucepan. Stir in the warm water and stir until thoroughly incorporated. Bring to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly. Once it comes to a boil, take pan off the heat and add the chopped semi-sweet chocolate stirring until completely melted.

Stir in 1 ¾ cups half-and-half and return pot to the stove and heat on medium heat.

Place cornstarch in a bowl and mix with the remaining ¼ cup of half-and-half. Add the cornstarch mixture to chocolate mixture and heat over medium heat until thickened. Once the mixture has thickened turn heat to low and stir briskly for 1 minute.

Remove from the heat and stir in vanilla

Pour pudding into the molds or bowl. To keep a skin from forming, place plastic wrap directly onto the pudding. Refrigerate for two hours or up to two days.

Un-mold the chocolate pudding and serve with whipped cream and grated chocolate. ¡Que aproveche!

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