Easy Honey Nut Granola



Level: Easy

Serves: 10



I have tried all kinds of different granola recipes and have found this one to be my favorite. I usually have all the ingredients on-hand and the beauty is you can add whatever YOU like. The consistency is a little chewy not as dry as some recipes. Really good mixed in plain yogurt.


  • 4 cups Rolled Oats
  • 1 cup Almonds Or Any Kind Of Nuts
  • ½ cups Olive Oil
  • ½ cups Honey
  • 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 cup Optional-chocolate Chips, Raisins, Dried Blueberries Or Craisins


Preheat oven at 300 degrees F.

Mix oats and nuts together. (You can add more or less nuts, several kinds, or sometimes I add several Tablespoons of flax seed.)

Then separately mix olive oil, honey, cinnamon and vanilla.

Combine dry and wet ingredients, mix well.

Spread mixture on cookie sheet and bake.

Bake 10 minutes, stir and continue to bake another 10 minutes.

I usually take granola off of the pan before it completely cools otherwise it’s hard to get off of the cookie sheet.

Once completely cool add chocolate chips, raisins, blueberries or Craisins.

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