Homemade Tonic Water



Level: Easy

Serves: 5



Homemade tonic water, for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages alike.


  • 4 cups Water
  • 1 cup Chopped Lemon Grass (about 2 Stalks)
  • 1 cup Raw Sugar, Evaporated Cane Juice, Or White Sugar
  • ¼ cups Lemon Juice
  • ¼ cups Powdered Cinchona Bark, (1/8 Cup For A Less “barky” Flavor)
  • 1 whole Lemon, Zest Only
  • 1 whole Lime, Zest Only
  • 1 teaspoon Allspice Powder
  • 4 cups, 3 tablespoons, 1-⅞ teaspoons, ¼ pinches Seltzer Water


1. Combine all of the ingredients except the seltzer water in a pot and bring them to a boil. Reduce the heat and let the liquid simmer for about 45 minutes until reduced and slightly thickened.

2. Strain the liquid though a fine strainer and discard the solids. Then pass the liquid through some cheesecloth into a storage container.

3. To use the syrup, mix it with the seltzer water in a ratio of 3:1. Then combine it with gin, vodka, or whatever you please in a ratio of about 4:1 or whatever suits your taste. Garnish with a lime and squeeze some of that juice in there to finish.

Makes about 1 cup tonic syrup.

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