Honey Lavender Ice Cream



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



Honey Lavender Ice Cream is a rich and decadent dessert. It has a unique taste from the lavender and is sweetened only with honey. This is a must-try treat!


  • 2 cups Heavy Cream
  • 1 cup Half-and-half
  • ⅔ cups Honey
  • 2 Tablespoons Dried Edible Lavender Flowers
  • 2 whole Large Eggs
  • ⅛ teaspoons Salt


In a medium saucepan, pour in heavy cream, half-and-half, honey and lavender. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let steep for 30 minutes. This is going to let the lavender flavor really develop.

Once 30 minutes is up, strain mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean bowl. Clean out the saucepan and pour the mixture back in. Heat up over medium heat for 3 minutes.

Toss the lavender away and clean strainer. We’ll be using it again soon.

In another bowl, whisk eggs and salt. Slowly pour 1 cup of the cream mixture into the bowl while whisking to temper the eggs. Whisk the egg mixture back into the saucepan and cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until the temperature reaches 175ºF.

Pour the mixture through the strainer into another clean bowl and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight.

When the mixture is cooled, pour into your ice cream maker and let it do its thing!

Once the ice cream maker has churned its little heart out, you can put your ice cream in an airtight container to freeze even more or eat it now (like I do cause I can’t wait). It’s a little more soft-serve at this point, but that’s just how I like it!

Scoop up and enjoy. Your Honey Lavender Ice cream will keep for a week in the freezer.

Makes about 1 quart.

Recipe slightly adapted from Epicurious.

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