


Level: Easy

Serves: 4



A Cozy Kitchen makes the super-refreshing Mexican drink: Horchata.


  • 6 Tablespoons White Rice
  • 1-¼ whole Blanched Or Raw Almonds
  • 4 sticks Cinnamon (2 For Garnish)
  • 1 pinch Ground Or Grated Nutmeg
  • 3 strips (2-Inch Long Strips) Lime Zest
  • 2-½ cups Hot Water
  • ½ cups Sugar
  • 2 cups Cold Water


Pulverize the rice in a blender or spice grinder. Transfer to a medium-sized bowl and add the almonds, cinnamon stick, nutmeg and lime zest. Stir in 2 1/2 cups of hot tap water, cover and let stand for at least 6 hours or preferably overnight. Scoop the mixture into a blender jar and blend for 3 to 4 minutes, until it no longer feels very gritty. Add 2 cups of water, and then blend for a few seconds more. Set a large sieve over a mixing bowl and line with 3 layers of dampened cheese cloth. Pour in the almond-mixture a little at time, gently stirring to help the liquid pass through. When all has been strained, gather up the corners of the cheesecloth and twist them together to trap the dregs inside. Squeeze the package firmly to expel all the remaining liquid. Add 1 cup of water and stir in 1/2 cup of sugar. If the consistency is too thick, add additional water. Cover and refrigerate until you’re ready to serve. Stir before pouring.

(Recipe adapted from Rick Bayless.)

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