Hot Scotcholate



Level: Easy

Serves: 2



This a delicious concoction I discovered by pure experiementation, which turned out to be divine. A delicious blend of hot chocolate with butterscotch shnapps. Enjoy the Christmas tree lights and the holiday with this cozy beverage that is sure to put a smile on your face.


  • 2 cups Milk
  • ¼ cups Chocolate Chips (your Choice, My Favorite Is Dark Chocolate)
  • 3 ounces, fluid Butterscotch Shnapps


Pour milk in a small sauce pan on medium heat. Dump in chocolate chips and stir constantly. Use a whisk to blend chocolate with milk. Do not allow mixture to boil. When mixture is well blended, pour 1 shot of butterscotch shnapps into each mug. Then divide hot chocolate into each mug. Stir each mug briefly, then sip and enjoy!

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