Lemon Drizzle Silk Cake with Cream Cheese Icing



Level: Easy

Serves: 8



Lemon Drizzle Silk Cake with Cream Cheese Icing.


  • 5  Eggs, Separated
  • ½ cups Butter
  • ⅓ cups Olive Oil
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1-½ cup Cake Flour
  • 1 cup Corn Flour
  • 2-½ teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  • 200 milliliters Milk
  • 2  Lemons, Zest Only
  • ½ cups Brown Sugar
  • 1  Lemon, Zest And Juice
  • 200 grams Plain Cream Cheese
  •  Lemon, Juiced
  • 2-½ Tablespoons Honey


Separate eggs and place egg whites in a large, clean bowl. Beat egg whites with an electric beater until you can turn the bowl upside down and the whites stay put. Be sure not to let any yolk fall into the egg whites or your whites will not beat up properly.

Place egg yolks and all other cake ingredients in a large mixing bowl and beat on high for about 3 minutes, until mixture is silky smooth and shiny.

Gently fold in 1 tablespoon of the egg whites. Then fold in the remainder of the egg whites until well combined. Don’t over-mix, you want to keep as much air in the mixture as possible.

Grease and flour two 20cm round cake tins. Pour cake mixture into the tins, distributing it evenly between the two. Bake at 180°C (355ºF) for 40 minutes or until a tester comes out clean.

Take the cakes out the oven and place on a cooling rack. Poke about 16 tiny holes in each cake with a clean tester. Pour the lemon drizzle over the cakes, making sure you get some in each of the little holes. Leave to cool completely before turning out and cooling again on a cooling rack.

Once cake is room temperature, ice one cake with ⅓ of the cream cheese icing. Then place the other cake on top and ice the top of the cake with the remaining cream cheese icing. Grate a little lemon rind over the top and enjoy.

For the lemon drizzle:
Place brown sugar and juice and rind of lemon into a small sauce pan and heat gently until sugar dissolves. Take off the heat and set aside.

For the icing:
Mix all ingredients together in a medium size bowl until smooth, adding more honey if you wish. Place in the fridge until your cake is ready to ice.

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