Maple Roasted Cashew Trail Mix



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



Trail mix is incredible easy to make at home, and you can use much healthier ingredients than store-bought.


  • 2-½ cups Raw Cashews
  • ½ cups Maple Syrup
  • 1 teaspoon Sea Salt
  • ½ cups Dairy-free Or Dark Chocolate Chips
  • ½ cups Dried Cranberries
  • ½ cups Pumpkin Seeds
  • ½ cups Shredded Coconut Or Coconut Chips


Preheat oven to 325°F and line a baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper.

Place cashews on the tray and drizzle over maple syrup and sea salt. Use a spoon or spatula to mix well and spread out (this can be done in a bowl first if you prefer). Roast for 7 minutes, flip, then roast for another 7 minutes. Take out sooner if the nuts are starting to burn.

While cashews are roasting, combine the rest of the ingredients in a container or bowl. Wait to add the cashews until they are completely cooled so that the chocolate doesn’t melt.

Store in a covered container or large Mason jar. Keep in the refrigerator if it is hot out or to keep fresher longer, although it keeps fine on the counter covered.

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