Mulberry Juice



Level: Easy

Serves: 36



Making mulberry concentrate is a traditional Lebanese practice with a distant history that has almost been forgotten.


  • 2-¼ pounds Mulberries (1kg), Which Should Yield 1 Liter Mulberry Juice
  • 4-½ pounds Sugar (2kg)


1) Select fully ripe fresh black mulberries and mix a few red berries with them. Wear rubber gloves, as the juice stains the hands.

2) Place a food mill over an enamel or earthenware pot, fill with berries and begin turning it to extract the juice. Alternatively, put the berries in a muslin bag and press the juice from them into an enamel or earthenware pot.

3) This will leave the seeds and skins, or residue. Discard.

4) Once you’ve extracted the juice, run it through a sieve to remove any remaining large chunks of the fruit.

5) Now the juice should be very smooth. Measure the juice.

6) For every cup of juice add two cups of sugar. Stri well. Use only a wooden spoon.

7) Boil over a high fire until somewhat thickened. Remove the froth that develops. Juice should be cooked in a glass or enamelware saucepan to avoid discoloration of the syrup.

8) Remember to continuously stir, so as not to let the syrup burn or boil over. That would be a terrible mess to have.

9) Bottle when tepid and seal when thoroughly cold. Open bottles of syrup should be stored in the refrigerator.

10) Use a tablespoon of syrup per glass of ice water when preparing the beverage. Increase according to taste.

11) Pour over ice water. Stir well. Add ice cubes. Serve.

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