No-Bake Biscuit Salami



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



When it comes to biscuit salami, I automatically think of childhood. This version is a little different: more chocolatey, creamier, and with some coffee.


  • 30 grams Butter
  • 200 milliliters Heavy Cream
  • 100 grams Dark Chocolate Pieces
  • 1 Tablespoon Rum
  • 1 teaspoon Instant Coffee
  • 100 grams Petit Beurre Biscuits, Pieces
  • 2 Tablespoons Roasted Walnuts, Ground
  • 1 Tablespoon Roasted Hazelnuts ( Ground)


In a saucepan, melt butter. Add heavy cream and bring to a boil.

In a bowl, add chocolate, rum, and instant coffee. Pour in the hot cream. Wait 2 minutes and then blend the mixture until chocolate is completely melted. Stir in the biscuits, walnuts and hazelnuts, until well combined.

Line a small pan with plastic and pour the mixture in. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

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