Odds And Ends Breakfast



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



This breakfast came about the other day as our fridge was almost empty as I had been avoiding the dreaded trip to the grocery store. I love to cook but hate to go to the grocery store. I had 5 eggs, 2 potatoes, 3 pieces of bacon and a few other odds and ends. This ended up being so delicious I will definitely be making this again. Also great to make while camping!


  • 3 strips Bacon, Diced
  • 1 Tablespoon Butter, If Needed, If Bacon Is Not Very Fatty
  • ¼ whole Onion, Diced
  • 2 whole Large Potatoes, Diced
  • 6 whole Mushrooms, Sliced
  • ½ whole Bell Pepper, Diced
  • 4 cups Spinach, Washed And Cleaned
  • 5 whole Eggs Or More
  • 3 teaspoons Granulated Garlic, Or To Taste
  • 2 teaspoons Smoked Paprika
  • ½ teaspoons Salt, Or To Taste
  • 1-½ teaspoon Pepper
  • 1 bottle Hot Sauce And Ketchup For Condiments


Place bacon in a saute pan and cook until fat starts to render over medium high heat. Add butter if needed and onion and cook until onion starts to caramelize. Add potatoes and mushrooms, cook until potatoes are cooked through and brown on the outside. Add bell pepper. Then add spinach and toss to slightly cook spinach. Flatten this hash brown mixture as much as possible to make a bed for the eggs. Break eggs over the top of the hash browns, add seasonings and salt and pepper to taste. Cover pan and cook over medium high heat until eggs are desired doneness and whites are cooked through.

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