Spinach & Feta Jacket Stuffed Potatoes



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



Spinach and Feta Jacket Stuffed Potatoes.


  • 4 whole Medium Potatoes
  • 1-½  Large Brown Onions
  • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 150 grams Spinach
  • Salt And Pepper
  • 165 milliliters Coconut Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Marmite Or Vegemite
  • 35 grams Feta Cheese, Grated


Preheat oven to 220°C (425ºF).

Wash, pierce and cook 4 potatoes whole in microwave for about 6 minutes until soft, turning after 3 minutes.

Dice onions small and fry in oil until translucent.

Wash and roughly chop spinach. Add to the onions with another drizzle of olive oil and fry for about 2 minutes until wilted. Season with salt and pepper.

Pour in coconut milk and marmite or vegemite and stir over the heat until marmite is melted and evenly distributed.

Cut the potatoes in half lengthwise and, using a teaspoon, scoop out the potato flesh, leaving a 2mm rim around the edges so the potatoes hold their shape. Add the scooped-out potato to the spinach mixture, breaking the potato up and stirring it in with a metal spoon.

Place potato jackets on a baking tray and fill them with the spinach mixture, about 1 heaping tablespoon in each. Pile them up a bit more if you have extra spinach.

Top with grated feta cheese and grill on the top rack for about 5 minutes until cheese is golden.

Note: You can prepare these in advance and store them in the fridge. When you are ready to serve them, top them with the cheese and grill.

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