Strawberry and Kiwi Daiquiri



Level: Easy

Serves: 4



I had some strawberries and kiwis which were ripening quickly and needed to be used as soon as possible, so I decided to make a cocktail.

I will tell you that I have limited experience with anything other than martinis and I am not a sweet drink person, so this was new to me.


  • 1 cup Strawberries, Hulled
  • 2 whole Kiwis, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon Equal Or Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Fresh Lime Or Lemon Juice
  • 4 ounces, fluid Vodka, Or To Taste


I used my immersion blender and simply whirred it all together and added the vodka into the individual glasses along with the fruit mixture. You could use a blender as well.

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