Strawberry Doughnuts



Level: Intermediate

Serves: 24



Delicious homemade doughnuts with fresh strawberry glaze!


  • 1-½ cup Whole Milk
  • ¼ cups Water (that Is About 110 Degrees)
  • ½ ounces, weight Instant Rise Yeast
  • ½ cups Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 2 whole Eggs At Room Temperature
  • ⅓ cups Crisco
  • 2-½ cups All-purpose Flour
  • 3 cups Cake Flour
  • 1 quart Vegetable Oil, For Frying
  • _____
  • ⅔ cups Strawberries, Pureed
  • ½ cups Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon Vanilla Paste
  • 2-½ cups Powdered Sugar
  • ¼ cups Hot Water


Add the milk to a small pan, and bring the milk to a boil. Immediately remove the pan from the heat and let the milk cool. (I think it helps if you transfer it to another bowl so that it can cool faster).

In a small bowl, combine the hot water and the yeast. Let sit while rising, about 10 minutes. (Also, make sure that you test the temperature of the water after it is in the bowl- because a cold bowl can cool the temperature down so much that the yeast doesn’t rise. Also, make sure that you stir the yeast into the water right when you add it).

Combine the cooled milk, sugar, salt, eggs, Crisco and the 2 ½ cups of All Purpose flour. Mix well, and then add the yeast mixture. When this is well combined, add the additional 3 cups of cake flour. Mix on high for about 3-5 minutes, or until the dough is smooth.

Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and leave in a non-drafty place for about an hour (or in my case up to 4 hours!).

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and roll the nice, fluffy, soft dough to about ½ inch in thickness.
Using a doughnut cutter, or two round cookie cutters, cut out the doughnuts (saving the holes).

Place the doughnuts and holes on a sheet pan (mine had a silpat, but you could use wax paper or parchment), and let them rise about another 30 minutes, and up to 2 hours.

In a large, heavy pot, heat 1 quart of vegetable oil to 350 degrees F (please use a thermometer!!) Fry the doughnuts and doughnut holes just until golden brown, before gently flipping them with a chopstick or a Chinese spider strainer. When golden on both sides, pick them up with the Chinese spider strainer. Let them sit on a cooling rack to drain.

Dunk them (or double dunk them!) in the strawberry glaze and put them on the rack to cool and harden up.

For the glaze:

Puree strawberries in your food processor or blender until you reach a smooth consistency.

In a small saucepan, heat butter until it has melted and started to brown. Add the vanilla and the powdered sugar and stir to mix, then add in the strawberries and stir until it is starting to melt. Add the water (if needed!) to thin the glaze, and whisk it until smooth.

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