Strawberry Mascarpone Dessert



Level: Easy

Serves: 8



A luscious strawberry dessert with mascarpone, cream and white chocolate.


  • 1-⅛ pound Mascarpone
  • 1-⅛ pound Low-fat Quark (See Note)
  • 3-½ ounces, weight Icing Sugar, Plus 3 Tablespoons, Divided
  • 1  Vanilla Bean
  • 1-¾ cup Heavy Cream
  • ½  Lemon, Juiced
  • 1-⅛ pound Strawberries
  • 2-⅝ ounces, weight White Chocolate


Whip together the mascarpone, quark, 3 1/2 ounces icing (confectioners) sugar and the seeds of the vanilla bean. Don’t throw away the empty vanilla bean—you can stick it in a jar full of sugar to get vanilla sugar.

Whip heavy cream until stiff and fold it into the mascarpone mixture. Add lemon juice to taste.

Puree strawberries with remaining icing sugar (to taste). Grate the white chocolate.

Place the mascarpone-cream mixture into one large dessert bowl or into individual dessert cups. Pour strawberry sauce over this mixture, poking a few times with a knife to allow the sauce to sink into the mascarpone mixture here and there.

Sprinkle with the grated chocolate and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours or until ready to serve.

1. I used low-fat quark, which is very common in Germany. If you cannot find it, you can replace it with cream cheese or creamy yogurt, or a mixture of the two.
2. You can use frozen and defrosted strawberries when fresh ones are unavailable.

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