Sweet Tea



Level: Easy

Serves: 8



Cool and refreshing on a summer afternoon, or hot and soothing on a chilly winter morning.


  • ½ gallons Water
  • 8 bags Boston’s Mint-in-Tea Bags, Or Another Flavor Of Your Choosing
  • ¾ cups Sugar
  • 1 whole Lemon, Juiced


Between my northern exposure and southern roots, I’m always amazed at how few people know how to make simple, refreshing tea. I’m not even talking fresh tea and spearmint leaves, which is always to be most-desired (you know, the reeeeeal stuff). Just bag-style. This is quick, easy, and budget-friendly. And definitely better for you than soda. ;) I was grateful when someone shared the basics with me, and thought someone else might feel the same. :)

Bring 1/2 gallon of water to a boil (takes about 10 minutes). Turn off heat and toss in tea bags. Let steep 10 minutes, then remove. In a heat-safe glass pitcher, stir together tea, sweetener, and lemon. Allow to cool on counter and then store in fridge. Serve hot or cold.

*My preference is a scant 3/4 cup of raw sugar, but you can use refined sugar or substitute 1/2 cup of honey for the sugar.

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