Thick Strawberry-Banana Smoothie



Level: Easy

Serves: 2



This is the smoothie of my dreams, and I have to have it every night or I shrivel up into a mere shell of a human. One of the best things about it: the only thing you dirty is the blender and the glass you drink it from. No chopping involved! And no ice involved—my blender can’t handle it.


  • 1 whole Ripe Banana
  • 6 whole Frozen Strawberries
  • ½ teaspoons Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tablespoon Brown Sugar
  • ⅓ cups Plain Yoghurt
  • ⅓ cups Half-and-Half Or Milk


Toss everything in your blender. Take a leap of faith and use the half-and-half instead of the milk (then tell yourself it’s just this once). Blend! Drink.

If you don’t like your smoothies so thick, just add more milk. If you like them fruitier, just add more strawberries. If you want to exponentially add decadence, spoon in some vanilla ice cream. Switch up the fruit selection, the flavor of yoghurt you use—it’s versatile! This really is the easiest thing you’ll ever make.

2 ways to increase the deliciousness:

1. Heat up 2 frozen strawberries in the microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes. This will turn them into a schmushy, liquidy pulp. Put the whole shebang in the blender with the rest. It adds something, it really does.
2. Chop up some chunks/rounds of strawberry and banana, and mix those in at the end. Finding those chunks of fresh fruit as you go is really delightful.

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