Lemon and Lavender Milkshake



Level: Easy

Serves: 1



Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you read that correctly. This recipe brings together one of the most pleasantly paired ingredients into an awesome treat! Oh won’t you give it a try?


  • 2 Tablespoons Fresh Lavender
  • ¼ cups Water
  • ¼ cups Sugar
  • 1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
  • ¼ cups Whole Milk
  • 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice, Freshly Squeezed


1. In a sauce pot, bring the lavender and water to a boil.
2. Add sugar and cook until it’s completely dissolved.
3. Store in the refrigerator until cool, anywhere between one hour and two days. When ready, strain the liquid to remove lavender before use(depending upon how strong you would like the syrup). The longer you leave the lavender in, the stronger it will be! This is your simple syrup.
4. In a blender, combine simple syrup, ice cream, milk, and lemon juice.
5. Pour into your favorite glass. Sip, sit on the rocking chair on your front porch, and enjoy the sunset. If you don’t have a rocking chair, front porch, and/or sunset, no worries! It’s still just as good without those things!

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