Creme Brulee French Toast



Level: Intermediate

Serves: 6



Everything you love about breakfast casseroles, creme brulee, and French toast all in one. Oh, and tighter jeans.


  • 1 loaf Challah Bread
  • 1-½ cup Butter
  • 1-¼ cup Brown Sugar, Packed
  • 2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup
  • 8 whole Eggs
  • 16 ounces, fluid Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 4 ounces, fluid Whole Milk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Cut Challah break into one inch slices and place slices into a 13 x 9 inch baking pan. There will be a double layer, and that is ok.

Place butter, brown sugar, and maple syrup over medium heat in large sauce pan and stir occasionally until sugar is dissolved and the sauce is uniform. Put on low until ready to use.

In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, heavy cream, and whole milk.

Remove butter, sugar, and maple mixture from heat and pour over challah slices in pan. Use tongs to move the bread around to make sure each piece is covered. Pour cream, milk and egg mixture over challah, and press down on bread slices so that bubbles come up to top, letting you know that the bread is soaking in the egg mixture. Once bread has been patted a few times and well soaked, place pan in oven and bake until egg has set, which will take about 40 minutes. Enjoy. And eat it all. Every bite. You’ll love it.

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