Guinness Milk Shake



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



When its super hot out and you are in the mood for a treat, this is great!


  • 1 pint Chocolate Ice Cream
  • 1 cup Whole Milk
  • 6 bottles Guinness Stout (bottles Or Cans, Just Buy A 6-pack)


Put 3 scoops of your favorite chocolate ice cream into a blender.

Add 1/2 cup of whole milk.

Top it off with 1 bottle of Guinness Stout (don’t worry if it doesn’t all fit).

Blitz in blender until thick and creamy.

Pour into a frosted glass and repeat for each person who wants one.

If you want to be extra fancy you can garnish with shaved chocolate and or whipped cream. (p.s. try adding a few oz of Guinness to the whipped cream. YUM!)

I know it sounds a bit weird… but TRUST ME! Its delicious!

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