Cheese Omelet with Tomato-Basil Topping



Level: Easy

Serves: 1



A simple omelet with melted cheese inside, served with a topping of tomato and basil. Just the thing for breakfast, lunch or supper.


  • 1  Egg
  • 1 Tablespoon Water
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter, Or A Combination Of Butter And Olive Oil
  • 2 slices Good Melting Cheese Like American
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter, Or A Combination Of Butter And Olive Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Dried Or Fresh Basil (chopped If Fresh)
  • 1 dash Salt And Pepper
  • ½  Fresh Ripe Tomato, Cut In 1 Inch Pieces


Crack egg in a dish and whisk with the water. Melt butter in a large nonstick frying pan on medium. Pour in egg when butter is just bubbling but not browning. Roll around the pan to make a nice thin omelet. You can take a silicone spatula and run it around the edges, moving uncooked egg under the cooked parts.

When egg is set, place cheese on top. Fold one side egg over the middle third and then the other side to close the cheese inside. Let cheese melt inside it a little and slide onto a very large plate. Set nearby.

For the topping, in the same pan, melt butter on medium heat. Add basil, salt and pepper until you smell the basil “waking up” in the butter. Aromatherapy.

Add tomatoes and fold them into the herb butter. Cook to desired doneness, either quite cooked or just a little. Slide that lovely mixture on top of your omelet. Now eat.

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