Christmas Cider and Applesauce: 2 for 1



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



The sales around Christmas are some of the best all year! This recipe is like one of those sales: 2 for the price of 1! Make the cider, and get the bonus applesauce (or vice versa).

Apple cider is a classic winter beverage, but the powdered mixes and jarred varieties contain lots of extra “stuff.” Making it yourself is quite easy, and it’s a great gift idea. This recipe makes about 6 cups cider and 6 cups applesauce.


  • 7 whole Large Apples, Peeled, Cored And Quartered
  • 9 cups Water
  • ½ cups Sugar
  • 3 sticks Cinnamon, Whole
  • 5 whole Cloves
  • 1 teaspoon Maple Syrup


Place apples in a large pot and cover with the water. Add sugar, cinnamon sticks, cloves and syrup. Boil on high heat for one hour uncovered. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for additional two hours covered, stirring occasionally.

Remove from heat and allow to cool. Remove cinnamon sticks (set aside to dry) and cloves. Use a potato masher to mash apples. Using a ladle, scoop mixture into a strainer over a large bowl. Gently press apples with a spoon to squeeze out any additional juice. Place mashed apples into a separate bowl. Continue the process until all juice and apples are separated.

Place cider into glass bottles with a cinnamon stick! Do the same with the applesauce.

I like to gift the cider packaged with a small bottle of adult beverage to complement!

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