June Platt’s Marinated Mushrooms



Level: Easy

Serves: 6



June Platt, whose cookbooks are tried-and-true sources for good food as well as highly enjoyable reading, includes an excellent version of Marinated Mushrooms in “June Platt’s Party Cookbook” (1939). Her recipe provides the basis for this one. If you would like to take a look at her book, the related blog post provides a link to it.


  • 1 cup Tarragon (white Wine) Vinegar
  • 1 clove Garlic, Cut In Half Or Smashed
  • 1 whole Bay Leaf
  • 1 pinch Dried Thyme Leaves, A Branch Of Dried Thyme Or The Leaves Of A Couple Of Sprigs Of Fresh Thyme
  • 2 teaspoons Salt, Divided Into Two Parts: 1 Teaspoon For The Marinade And 1 Teaspoon To Salt The Water In Which The Mushrooms Simmer
  • Several Grindings Of Fresh Black Pepper
  • 2 whole Shallots, Cut Up In Pieces
  • ¾ cups Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Catsup
  • 1 pound White (Or Button) Mushrooms (Preferably Small Whole Ones; If Using Large Ones, Cut In Quarters)
  • 1 whole Lemon, Juiced
  • Caper Berries, To Serve (optional)


Note: The mushrooms may be marinated for only a few hours or for a couple of days. Bring them to room temperature to serve.

You will also need:
1. An enameled pot or any non-reactive pot (such as one made of stainless steel or earthenware).
2. A deep bowl in which to marinate the mushrooms.
3. A slotted spoon.
4. A small strainer.

Making the mushrooms:
1. Add to the pot the tarragon wine vinegar, garlic, bay leaf, thyme, 1 teaspoon of the salt, several grinds of fresh black pepper and shallots. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil it for 5 minutes.
2. Pour the hot vinegar mixture into a bowl to cool. Once it has cooled, remove the garlic and add the olive oil and catsup. Set this dressing aside.
3. Peel, trim and wash the mushrooms. Quarter large ones.
4. Fill the non-reactive pot with water, and add the second teaspoon of salt and the juice of the lemon. Add the mushrooms, bring them to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer them for 5 minutes.
5. Drain them well and put them in a deep bowl. Pour the dressing over the mushrooms and marinate them for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator or for a couple of days.
6. To serve, bring the mushrooms to room temperature. Remove them from the marinade with a slotted spoon. Arrange them in an attractive dish and pour some of the marinade/dressing over them by spooning it over the mushrooms through a strainer.

Serving suggestion: Caper berries are a nice addition to go with these mushrooms.

An Acknowledgement: This recipe is adapted from one in “June Platt’s Party Cookbook” (1939). The related link will take you to the online library where the book is available.

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