Kitchen Sink Guacamole



Level: Easy

Serves: 16



The perfect guacamole dip for any party, picnic or barbeque!


  • 2 whole Corn Cobs, Kernels Removed
  • ½ whole Red Bell Pepper, chopped
  • ½ whole Red Onion, Chopped
  • 1 clove Garlic, Minced
  • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 2 whole Ripe Avocados, Mashed
  • ½ cups Chopped Tomatoes
  • ½ cups Black Beans, Rinsed And Drained
  • Juice Of One Lime
  • Salt And Pepper, to taste


While you can certainly just mix everything together and call it good (which it is), I like to roast my corn, pepper and onion in a cast iron skillet beforehand – the extra roasty flavor is great with all the other ingredients! To do this I mix the corn, the pepper and the onion with the olive oil and gently brown it all in a cast iron skillet over medium heat, stirring frequently. This takes about 10 minutes. If you choose to do this you’ll want to let it all cool completely before mixing with the other ingredients. When the corn mixture is cooled, mix it with the garlic, olive oil, avocado, tomato, black beans, lime juice, salt and pepper. Serve cold or at room temperature with cut-up carrots or tortilla chips – or both!

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