No-Bake Protein Bars – Healthy Chocolate!



Level: Easy

Serves: 2



Our take on these easy yet nutritious bars.


  • 1-⅞ ounces, weight Almonds
  • 1-⅞ ounces, weight Hazelnuts
  • 1-⅞ ounces, weight Porridge Oats
  • 50 gallons Pumpkin Seeds
  • 2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup Or Honey
  • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Fresh Espresso Or Strong Coffee
  • 1-⅞ ounces, weight Dried Apricots
  • 1-⅞ ounces, weight Dark Chocolate
  • 3-⅝ ounces, weight Flax Seeds


Add nuts, oats and seeds and toast on a low heat for 4 or 5 minutes, until golden brown. Pour in syrup, olive oil and coffee and stir for a couple of minutes.

Add apricots, dark chocolate and flax seeds (or protein powder). Keep stirring until it’s all mixed evenly.

Line a tray with cling film or foil and pour in the mixture. Press it down firmly with a spoon or spatula; this will ensure the bar stays together properly.

Chill for a minimum of 4 hours in the fridge, chop into equal sizes and take one whenever you want!

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